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Syringe Service Program Speak-out

Monday, May 10 4-6pm

Moore Square Park

Raleigh, NC

On Monday, May 10, the North Carolina AIDS Action Network, North Carolina Survivors Union, and North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition are holding a rally with public health officials, community activists, and local leaders from across North Carolina to mark Hepatitis Awareness Month and support syringe service programs.

Overdose deaths in North Carolina are ata ten-year high. Legalized by Republican Governor McCrory in 2016, syringe service programs are a proven method to save lives, stop the spread of diseases like HIV and hepatitis C, and prevent overdose deaths. In 2020, these programs across the state distributed naloxone that reversed nearly 9,000 overdoses.

Last month, SB 607 was introduced in the North Carolina Senate which would force these lifesaving programs to shut down at a time when North Carolinians need them the most. SB607 threatens the lives of all of our programs, but especially community led programs. This bill demands that those of us with felonies not participate in SSPs. This would mean the end of NC Survivors Union and destroy the spirit of harm reduction.


Lee Storrow and De’Shea Coney NC AIDS Action Network

Louise Vincent and Knina Strichartz, North Carolina Survivors Union

Jesse Bennett, North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition

Elyse Powell, NC Department of Health and Human Services

Dafina Ward, Southern AIDS Coalition

Judith Montenegro, Latino Commission on AIDS

Rev. Sarah Howell-Miller, Green Street United Methodist Church

Jennifer Carroll, Elon University

Hill Brown, Steady Collective

Raymond Velazquez, Western North Carolina AIDS Project

Lisa Harrison, Granville Vance Public Health

WHAT: Rally to Support Syringe Service Programs

WHEN: Monday, May 10th from 4:00PM to 6:00 PM.

WHERE: Moore Square, 200 S Blount St, Raleigh

In Solidarity,

Louise Vincent MPH


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